To Access Your IP Address login ?
A private IP address is being used by either client device or Assigned on a local network hardware as its default IP address. When should you use it? is the IP address which is the default IP address of so many these type of networks and one can change their settings over the network.One can open up a range of ports,set up a firewall on their network and moreover can also be used to change various settings for selecting one main device across all other. If your router uses IP ADDRESS so then, it is likely to be able to log into the network by Typing it in your browser and for this you need to connect your device with the same network And follow some instructions given below carefully: Logging into your router Step 1 :- After identifying IP address type in your browser which will Lead you to the login page.Here you need to fill your default username and password If not changed in the past. Step 2 :-By logging into ...